Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Flight Log 05.21.08

I flew the Enticement this morning at the Duck Pond! I goofed on my initial takeoff, ran into the grass edging, and messed up some fuselage foam and the landing gear...But, after a hand launch everything was fine and I had a very successful flight!

This is an indoor plane...and, there was a slight breeze...but, it did very well. I kept it pretty mellow with mostly flat turns emphasizing the rudder and a couple rolls to break up the monotony. Overall, a very good flight.

I'm pretty stoked that I built something that flies!

The kit is well put together. And for the most part the instructions are really good. I had to improvise several times along the way -- but that's good for you...makes you more of a modeler than just someone gluing parts together.

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