Saturday, September 13, 2008

Flight Log 09.13.08

Went flying this morning at the Duck Pond, see favorite places to fly in the right margin. This morning our church cub scouts came out for some buddy-boxing. My flying buddy Dave has the buddy-box setup with a DX6i and a JR transmitter and his Formosa top-wing trainer. The scouts flew least the ones that were interested in flying, over the one's distracted by one of the kids PSP.

I can't believe that not one of brought a camera...but, it was a beautiful morning. I flew my Supercub for a good 10 minutes or so. I flew my red & yellow Chinese toy planes (The Red low-wing is totally outperforming the Yellow top-wing, I'm really enjoying every flight with it). I flew my Enticement. And, had fun flying my 2 channel toy heli from China (Click on the label "China" below to see more posts about the Chinese toys, and "Enticement" to read more about my Enticement etc.).

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