Sunday, November 25, 2007

SC Flight Characteristics Take a Dive

So, for the last couple months...I was finding that my SC kept wanting to dive for the ground, no matter how much UP trim I gave it or how much I adjusted the elevators servo linkage. Plus it was getting ridiculous looking to have the elevator controls it such a large UP position just to fly level.

At one point I was even taping weights under the tail section to try to keep the nose up. That was really getting silly.

Finally it dawned on my that my main wing was sitting a good half an inch back from being flush with the windshield area -- it didn't seem like a big deal...But, when I took some packing tape, and taped the wing into a "flush" with the slope of the windshield position...My SC started flying normal again ;D

Notice the gap that is now between the trailing edge of the main wing and the area of the fuselage where the wing normally butts up against to keep it in place. I used packing tape on the leading edge and the trailing to keep it in place and then when I fly I also put the rubber bands on to keep it there during the stresses of flight.

Click here for larger version.

Since making this change, my SC has been flying great!

I posted this tip to the "Super Cub Club", see link on the right, and it was suggested by others that I should also put something firm, like a piece of balsa wood in that gap along the trailing edge of the wing. That's a great idea, that I'll be doing soon.

Oh...If you're curious, the rectangular hole is where I stick my Cobra DMC300 (FlyCamOne copy) 5-n-1 camera for OnBoard videos.

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