Wow, I flew the Super Cub again...seems like forever. It was cold, but sunny. And there was a possibility of strong wind gusts...but, I had to fly.
It was lunch time. And, a week or so back, my company had our whole division switch location from our leased building down the street to our own building --
don't ask. This means I'm no longer across the street from my work flying field -- see my favorite site in the right nav. So, I drove to the field.
I flew for several minutes; and got in several laps around the field and even a few loops and spins...then, BOOM, major wind gusts. The Super Cub was all over the place, but I kept it under control and plopped it down by the frozen puddles in the middle of the field -- whew! I must be understanding this flight thing...because similar gusts threw my SC into a tree last year :) Good thing then, that the Cub is so tough!