One heli that didn't make it today...
So sad : (
JoeFlyer shares his experiences with the hobby of RC Aircraft...
And this is video of one of the heli's with light strings defining it's features.
JoeFlyer's tips for flying Heli's:
- Make sure all the important parts like landing gear, blades, and gears are
in good working order- Throttle up and get in the air several feet - don't hang around at ground
level, too unstable- Get some altitude - so mistakes can be corrected in the air and not at the
work bench- Land smooth
Well, I had strapped my Cobra DMC300 5-n-1 digital camera to the bottom of my Blade...but, when I got home I discovered that the thing didn't record my flight !#*!@^#* So, I can't show the cool aerial photography that I had hoped to -- but if you Google Earth the park you can see the same view. I'm hoping one of my buddies caught some of my Blade action on their cameras.
I'm still having issues with my last tip. I landed a bit hard again today, and so I need to replace a landing gear strut and some tail rotor parts...but, other than that, my flight was awesome, yeah!!
Until I find video of my Blade, entertain yourself with this video of the Lama's...it's a pretty cool co-axial heli that flew really well today and even in a pretty good breeze.